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Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Furnace

The right furnace repair in Thornton, CO technician can maintain your heater and keep it running for several years. However, there is that inevitable moment in time when your heating pro is no longer able to keep things running, and it’s time to replace your furnace.

Colorado Heating & Air Limited in Thornton provides 24-hour emergency furnace replace, can replace your furnace, and specializes in home heating repair. When you need professionals, you can trust to get the job done the right way the first time, you can always depend on us. Contact us now!

To learn more about the warning signs that your furnace is on the fritz, read on!

The Burner Flame is Yellow

This is perhaps the most important sign that should be taken seriously. Your burner flame should be blue, and not yellow. Yellow is a sign that your furnace could be emitting carbon monoxide, which can be fatal. If your light is yellow, look for streaks of soot, rusting on the pipes and connections in the furnace, condensation on the windows and walls around it, and no upward draft in the chimney. If you and your family have experienced symptoms of illness that are unexplained, such as dizziness, nausea, and frequent headaches, you could already be feeling the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. These signs warrant a call to your utility company, which will turn off your gas right away until repairs can be made.

Your Furnace is Old

A good heater should last you anywhere between 15 and 20 years. We recommend changing it proactively before something catastrophic happens because this gives you breathing room. When you have time to shop around and compare products, you’re more likely to make a decision that’s ideal for you—as opposed to making an impulse decision in the middle of winter when your furnace has failed.

Rising Energy Bills

Maintaining your HVAC system twice a year is going to help you keep your energy bills down and your equipment functioning optimally. However, if you’ve been keeping up with these and your bills are still rising, it’s probably because your furnace has outstayed its welcome. Investing in a new unit will not only give you a system that will last for several years, but it’ll give you a home that’s far more energy-efficient and bills that are far more budget-friendly.

Your Home is Dry and Dusty

One of the many jobs your furnace performs is to clean the air it processes. When it’s old and not doing its job, your home will be dusty, and that means you and your family are breathing in that dust. You could experience worse than usual allergies, or have a chronically dry, scratchy respiratory system. Your skin likely feels dry, and your furniture and wood floors are, too. A working furnace will effectively clean the air in your home, filtering out allergens, dust, and other debris.

As you can see, your furnace is far more than the equipment that keeps your home and family warm. It can make a significant impact on your energy costs, as well as your family’s health. When a furnace repair is no longer an option, call a heating service that can replace your furnace quickly and expertly.

Colorado Heating & Air Limited is Thornton’s Top Rated Local home heating service. We offer 24-hour furnace replacement in Thornton, CO, as well as maintenance and air conditioning service. Contact us now to take a look at your furnace so we can determine the best course of action.

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